What’s inside this Highland Park home where birds always greet you and billiard balls bloom among greenery?

 knock crispell welcome
Knock, knock . . .
Who’s there? Collage artist Linda Summerfield Crispell and Gar Crispell and their beauteous offspring, the lovely Lulu (her nom de Web), and her delightful bro, Deke (ditto on the alias). Oh, and I must not forget their ever-obedient Mssr. Buddy.

knock crispell exterior

Putting on a stoic front:  The Crispells’ ivory-colored home with red-brick chimney of a spine and neat, black shutters tell only part of the story that unfolds inside. That part of the story is about strong foundations and handsome and serene backdrops to a colorful life filled with rich tales, creativity, collections (yes, the collections which, more than the house’s face, drew me to this house) and a lot of love.
Please read more…


Filed under Knock, knock

2 responses to “What’s inside this Highland Park home where birds always greet you and billiard balls bloom among greenery?

  1. Thanks for the kind words! It was a pleasure spending the afternoon with you.

  2. What a nice post about Linda and her home. Isn’t she just the best? I like the slideshow.

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